Friday, October 21, 2011

Thanks very much! :)

I have some bloggy business to take care of right now but most of it is just THANK YOU because three exciting things have happened to me...

The first is earlier this week I was officially excepted into the Large Association of Movie Blogs, (or the LAMB)! What fun it is is going to be to participate in the LAMB events and whatnot, and I feel now like a member of the movie blogging community for sure. I can't wait until next year, when the CiMBA (Classic Movie Blog Association) will start accepting new members. :D

The second is I hit thirty followers! Now it is actually thirty-four followers (I know the followers gadget says thirty-three, but it's actually a screw up with the widget I can't seem to fix. Only if you hit "more" and turn the page does it display the right amount... annoyances :/ )... well, THANK YOU SO MUCH! :) I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to check out my posts and comment and follow and all of that. I love to write and though I have been told before I am "good" at it, I didn't actually, you know, think that people would really want to read my thoughts and rambles. But you people do and you leave encouraging comments and it really makes a girl want to write forever. Thank you!!! :)

The third is I won first place at Film Classics's article contest! Once again: THANK YOU!! It was your votes that made my article win and you know it was a very close race. :) I'm glad about that, because my "opponents" happen to be just some of my favorite bloggers and fellow classic movie loving teens, Natalie from In the Mood and Bette from Bette's Classic Movie Blog. They wrote some really fabulous articles (you can read Bette's here and Natalie's here - I of course, recommend both!) and racked in lots of votes. I love their blogs and I love their articles and congratulations to them, too. :) And then, once again, THANKS SO MUCH to everyone who voted. It means quite a lot to me. :)

Oh, and also, for those of you who may not have noticed it on my sidebar, I joined the Dueling Divas Blogathon at the Backlots blog (click the link). I believe it will run from the 20th to the 23rd of December and it looks like it's going to be a ton of fun! The topic is basically to write about divas who dueled, on screen and off (like Bette and Joan) or a diva who may have played a duel character in a movie (like Hayley Mills in "The Parent Trap"). Isn't that a brilliant idea for a blogathon? One of these days I'm going to have to host a blogathon myself, you know. Maybe if I get a 100 followers. ;)

Ok, that's it for today. But a big, fat thank you to everyone once again.

how do i make a gif

A smiling Audrey GIF for you (yeah, I finally figured out how to embed those :D) to express my happiness and thanks. And Audrey because I'm going to a Halloween function tomorrow night (actually something for little kids that I'm helping run) and will be dressed up as her. 

Thank you thank you and have a good weekend everyone! :)


  1. Hello Rianna!

    Congrats on 34 followers and winning first place ;) Always love reading your posts! You mentioned waiting for CiMBA next year - same here. :-)

    Anyway, one of the prizes for winning first place is able to choose the next banner pair that replaces Bogie/Bacall. Just name a Bette movie, and I'll handle the rest! :)

    Have a great weekend,

  2. Congrats on the victory. Great piece you wrote for it. Keep on keepin' on.

  3. Cograts!!! You really deserve everything you got. Let me tell you that your Bette Davis article was really good (it was because of it that I discovered your blog). You got my vote; I was really captivated. Don't forget to count me on your followers, even though I'm not registered!! Don't stop doing what you do. You do it wonderfully!!

  4. David - Thank you! Yeah, I'm excitedly anticipating membership for the CiMBA. As for the header... hmm... I think I'll have to go with "Now, Voyager." Thank you for hosting this contest!

    Kevyn - Thank you!!

    Carmen - Thanks so much. And thank you for voting for me, I'm so happy you liked the article. :) And you count of course - I really appreciate you taking the time to check out my blog. (Like I said, it kind of amazes me that people want to sit and read my rambles). Thank you - I hope do this for a long time :)

  5. Congratulations, again, Dahhhling! ;) Keep up the work, because I really do love you blog to pieces.

  6. Thank you, dahhhling, and the same goes for your blog!! :)


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